Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Happy Birthday

Id just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their birthday wishes and gifts.

Ive had so many cards and messages via Facebook etc. and people have been so generous with presents too.  On the non-edible side Ive had books and CDs and lots besides.  Then for afters: lemon drizzle cake; welsh cakes; chocolate pizza; haribos; chocolates.... and plenty of wine.

So whilst cancer is supposed to make you lose weight, high-dose steroids put it on.  So maybe I could eat and drink all of that and still remain weight-neutral!!??

Anyway thank you to everyone for their generosity, Im definitely stretching this lymphoma lark out til Christmas!!


  1. Happy Birthday Rhys. If you have any unwanted cakes feel free to pass them in this direction ... the girls have a preference for Carrot cake if you take requests.

  2. Hello
    I had Non Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2011 , all treatment was as an inpatient , it was a "redundant" 6mnths , i am an Rgn and back in work (lighter duties due to lower spine damage) Claire Rowntree and team are amazing B4 nurses and team Amazing !!! cannot praise them enough , i know that i really appreciated hearing storys of othersaw getting back to a "differant normality" .
    Carry on as you are , you are obviousely coping really well , one day at a time .

  3. Belated Happy Birthday Rhys, I've just made out the number on the balloon, I don't believe it! We are all reading your blog, all over the world and send our very best wishes and good luck vibes. We are there if you need anything, take care. x
