Monday, 16 February 2015

I'll Decide

I really should just dictate all this nonsense and get my secretary to type it all up like normal!! It seriously takes me ages to type all this!!

Two rounds of chemo done and the third this week. That will be half way through as far as the chemo is concerned, with 2 Rituximab infusions to follow after that.  So far so good as far as side effects are concerned (apart from the previously mentioned steroids), I think Ive been pretty lucky.  No real sickness, not too tired and abit of peripheral neuropathy.

I don't know why but Ive felt pretty bullet-proof about the whole thing.  Im sure I can deal with whatever gets thrown at me as far as the physical side of things are concerned.  I don't believe that I can actually 'fight' the lymphoma and I don't like that being used as a term for some patients that survive longer than others. How could anyone suggest that anyone with cancer would fight more or less than someone else?  Some people live; some die; some die sooner than others.  It doesn't mean that they've fought more or less than the others, its just the way it is.  My body and the chemo will do my fighting, Ive just got to keep on being me (without hair obviously lol).

I believe there is a big difference between 'fighting' and having a positive attitude.  My positive attitude is taking a slightly less than serious view of the whole thing and I think/hope this blog helps me do that, without coming across as being too flippant.

Strange how you can surprise yourself though.  Perhaps Im not totally this 'what will be will be' kind of person that I thought I was.
Something that I saw today really stuck in my head, completely out of the blue.  Earlier this evening I saw a man wearing a baseball cap with "I'll decide" written on it.  Ive no idea what its supposed to relate to, but I seemed to relate to it.  Seems like there may be some of that 'fight' (whatever its supposed to be?) in me after all.

My futures not up to you lymphoma, its up to me - "I'll decide"



  1. You've got a wicked sense of humour and you've made me laugh already. Keep posting. We weren't very impressed with ebbw s lose either. Just a tip: check out blog lovin this will prob get you a bigger following and like minded people will find and follow you.

  2. 'Every day may not be good. But there is good in every day'.......that was Dad's motto (through similar times)........though, you'd need a pretty big baseball hat to fit that on!!!! Keep smiling and keep blogging Rhys.......huge support. Helen :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Rhys, I’ve just discovered your blog (always was a little slow me!!) and I just want to say that I wish you all the best for a very speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you back at work ASAP. Your witty comments here and positive attitude are truly inspirational in equal measures.
